
The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice is to recognize and address the ills perpetuated by a culture of militarism and economic oppression in the United States, and to work towards a future based on peace and social justice in Western Massachusetts.

The Resistance Center will act as the connective tissue between communities, organizations, faith institutions, and elected officials. We will build capacity of neighbors and people of good will throughout the Connecticut River Valley to address community crises as they arise, while working to prevent future outrages through pro-active action.

We will do this work through building resilient and effective coalitions and partnerships; nonviolence training; advocacy against U.S. military intervention abroad and militarism at home; and broad popular education and action to combat systemic discrimination.

We seek to educate and empower communities to confront problems and find lasting solutions which build unity, demand justice and foster peace. We work to expose the broader connections between militarism and economic disparity, and we actively promote ways that people can break the resulting cycle of violence.

The Resistance Center’s website is under construction, and will be completed shortly.