Dear Community Members,
On November 5, 2020, several stickers promoting white supremacy and Nazism were found outside of The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice’s office. We reported this hate crime to the Northampton Police Department who are investigating the incident. While we will not name the hate group responsible so as not to give them a platform, we do have a responsibility to call out white violence when it appears at our doorstep. We believe our office was targeted for this hate crime because of our commitment to peace and social justice for all people. In our office window and on our lawn, we proudly display several signs, such as:
We all belong here, we defend each other.
Abolish ICE.
You are safe here.
No war with Iran!
Black Lives Matter
Each sign speaks to our values and mission as an organization grounded in creating a world that protects the life and dignity of all people, especially our Black and Brown neighbors who are made to feel unsafe in a country that has upheld militant white supremacy since its conception. We condemn this blatant and vile hatred of our neighbors, and we condemn the quiet white silence that allows such hatred to go unchecked.
The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice stands in solidarity with our Jewish and BIPOC community members and neighbors. We continue to envision and empower sustainable, peacemaking communities liberated from systemic violence, grounded in a commitment to anti-racism and unity.
The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice