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Climate Preparedness Week 2020
During September 24–30* each year, we mark Climate Preparedness Week, dedicated to learning, service, and actions that better prepare our communities for extreme weather events. By coming together to host events, we provide the resources and space to think about the ways that climate change disadvantages some communities more than others.
*Sundown Sun 9/27 through sundown Mon 9/28 are Yom Kippur, and we advise hosts to avoid scheduling events during this holy time of year for our friends of the Jewish tradition.
This Year – We’re Virtual!
Last year, we were excited to count over 134+ events as part of Climate Prep Week. Due to the Covid-19 public health crisis, we have decided to transition Climate Prep Week to a virtual setting to ensure the safety of our community members. We realize that many of us are still getting adjusted to this new normal so, in order to ease the workload, CREW will be hosting some centralized virtual events that any organization can co-opt and participate in.
Our Theme this Year is: Social Resilience is Climate Resilience
In light of the recent critical conversations around racial justice in society, we will be focusing several of our central events around the intersections of climate resilience, racial justice and social resilience and encourage Climate Prep Week hosts to consider doing the same.
See below for the full calendar of events hosted by partners.
Resilient Agriculture: Climate Impacts on Our Foods Systems and How We Can Respond: Lessons from the frontlines in Zimbabwe
A panel discussion led by Enet Mukurazita and hosted by the Yale School of Forrestry’s Library with women farmers in Zimbabwe on their experiences dealing with climate impacts
September 24th at 1pm – Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JN23Rk8sRHaLpjCWydb7Mg
Palaces for the People: A Community Discussion with Eric Klinenberg
A virtual discussion with acclaimed writer Eric Klinenberg with CREW Founder Craig Altemose on the role of social infrastructure in building climate resilience. Eric Klinenberg is an internationally renowned scholar known for his novel Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago and his more recent book Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life.
September 24th at 7pm – Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PjqyASu7Tre02T3l6zSEEA
Neighborhood by Neighborhood: Mapping Our Resilience
Which neighborhoods of Boston are most vulnerable to climate change? How do we leverage social infrastructure in these neighborhoods to enhance their resilience? Join to hear an overview of a mapping project between the Conservation Law Foundation, the city of Boston, and CREW to explore the community assets that exist within the city of Boston and how they can be leveraged to create a more climate-resilient future, with a particular focus on how we can serve communities of color and other marginalized neighborhoods.
September 25th at 10am – Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fPfn2qrUSKa3aN2ehUz1EA
The Economics of Climate Change with Madhavi Venkatesan, PhD
Our economic system has fostered individualism over community and competition over collaboration, because simply, these are the channels that promote economic growth as we measure it in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We sell more when everyone has to have their own. But, individualism and competition results in unequal distribution that mimics the inequitable distribution of access to resources in our country. In many cases, inequity is a moral issue because the basis of it is exploitation of the vulnerable in a myriad of forms across historical time. In our discussion we will focus on the relationship between economics and sustainability: social justice, environmental justice and economic equity and also how our focus on economic growth has facilitated the speed of global Climate Change and exacerbated social justice issues along with the other two components of sustainability.
September 26th at 7pm Register in advance for this webinar: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYlf-ysqzwuH9KR_7dA234paGe1sR9WIpvV
How Repair Events Can Transform Our Throwaway Culture
A conversation on How Repair Events Can Transform Our Throwaway Culture with Elizabeth Knight and John Wackman, authors of Repair Revolution. This event will look at how repair events in libraries and other spaces are helping bring people together around common goals of sustainability, stewardship, community resilience, as well as social and climate justice. This conversation will be led by Blue Marble Librarian, Gabrielle Griffis.
September 29 at 6:30pm – Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UHRz2-VHTn27KnTNyy_G_Q
The Linked Fight for Racial Justice and Climate Justice
Join us for a conversation with CREW Program Manager Reverend Vernon K. Walker as he speaks to Reverends Karlene Griffiths Sekou and Hajar Logan of Alternatives for Community and Environment about how there is no climate justice without racial justice and how the fight for equality has to be led by those who have been most impacted.
September 30 at 6:30pm – Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NeSN-Ym7Rv-KzNDWePu4OQ
Join us as a Partner, and help advertise the centrally organized events
This would include advertising the events to your membership over email and social media.
Partners will be recognized on our website and at the start of our events
Partners can share graphics, publicity, and resources from the Social Media Toolkit.
To sign up as a partner, please fill out this form.
Join us as Host and host your own event with and for your community!
We will advertise your events on our central website, and are happy to support you with suggestions for content or speakers if that is helpful
To sign up to host an event, please fill out this form.
2:00 am
Women of Color Health Equity Collective Launch Party!
The mission of WOCHEC is to promote the resilience and empowerment of Women of Color to advance health and wellness by building community-capacity and advocating for just policies through evidence-based research and grassroots organizing. The mission of The Collective is to promote the resilience and empowerment of Women of Color to advance health and wellness […]
Find out more »9:00 am
No Cold War: International Peace Forum
For our second international webinar, we’re bringing together peace activists from China, the US, Britain, South Africa, India, Morocco, Bolivia and Belgium to discuss how to oppose the US-led New Cold War.
The event will take place on Zoom, on Saturday 26 September, 2pm UK / 9pm China / 9am US Eastern / 6am US Pacific. To get a ticket to the Zoom event, register on Eventbrite. Registered users will receive a link within 24 hours of the event starting. The event will also be streamed to Youtube and Facebook.
Panel 1: Global trends: what we’re confronting
Vijay Prashad (chair), Director of Tricontinental Institute (India)
Victor Gao, Professor at Soochow University (China)
Jodie Evans, Co-founder of CODEPINK (US)
Abdallah El-Harif, Founder of Democratic Way (Morocco)
Ollie Vargas, Journalist for Kawsachun News (Bolivia)
Chris Mathako, Deputy General Secretary of the South African Communist Party
Panel 2: How we organise to stop a New Cold War
Kate Hudson (chair), General Secretary of CND
Margaret Kimberley, Coordinating Committee of Black Alliance for Peace
Lindsey German, Convenor, Stop the War Coalition
Julie Tang, Pivot to Peace
Ludo De Brabander, Vrede vzw and No to War – No to Nato Network
11:00 am
Cries from every Corner: Fund Healthcare, Housing, Jobs- Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
September 26, 2020 - The UN's “International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons”
Sign up to host a street corner rally demanding elimination of nuclear weapons releasing billions of federal dollars to fund life sustaining needs for people and the planet. Nuclear warheads, weapons of mass destruction, threaten world security and promote the risk of nuclear suicide.
Badger your Congressional Representation. both state and federal, demand action to eliminate nuclear weapons. Start immediately by reducing the Federal nuclear budget. Put those dollars to use in life sustaining actions, healthcare for all, renewable energy, affordable housing, re-imagining policing, immigration reform to name a few.
Coronavirus 19 laid bare the inadequacies of existing systems of human support. The death of George Floyd carried the wight of 400 years of systemic/structural racism that our country now teeters on. It is time to be outraged; it is time to say enough; it is the time to demand change.
On the day, bring signs or banners and arrive 15 minutes early so that other participants can join in with you. Social distancing and masks are required at all events. For those in Massachusetts, if you need signs, contact Mass. Peace Action at info@masspeaceaction.org or 617-354-2169 to borrow some of ours. Due to Mass. Peace Action's annual movement building event at 5pm, the recommended event time in Massachusetts is 11am to 1pm. We invite groups across the U.S. and the world to join in and schedule your events!
Note: Please use exact street addresses, the kind the post office uses, or the software may not know where to put your location on the map, and then people who are trying to get to the event may not find you. Instead of "Cambridge Common near the First Church", write " 11 Garden St, Cambridge, MA 02138"
Find out more »Stroller Strolls with Springfield Family Doulas
Throw on your walking shoes and join Springfield Family Doulas at Forest Park. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents while exercising. This also alllows us to keep the 6 feet distance.
Running/walking routes throughout the park.
*Keep in mind if you're going for a power walk your little ones should be in a stroller so that we can keep the pace.
Cries From Every Corner: International Day to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapons present an unacceptable danger to humanity. The only real way to eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons is to eliminate nuclear weapons.” – UN Secretary-General António Guterres Before you join our Fall Fundraiser, check out the rallies happening across the nation to commemorate the International Day to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. The "cries from […]
Find out more »3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Fall Into Peace
From passing local bans on face surveillance to taking on big weapon contractors, we're making militarism a priority in Western Massachusetts. Join us via Zoom or Facebook Live to celebrate the start of autumn and reflect on our work for peace and justice. Enjoy music from local artists, games, and story-sharing. RSVP HERE
Find out more »5:00 pm
Power to the Peaceful: Annual Movement Building Event
As the reactionary, racist, and militaristic Trump administration seeks to hold on to power by any means necessary, we will gather to discuss our plans and to celebrate those who have made a difference for peace and justice in the political arena — this year and over the long term.
Stephen Kinzer, Vernon K. Walker, and Zama
The event will be held online via Zoom.
We’ll present the 2020 Peace Leadership Award to Stephen Kinzer, and hear his thoughts on the possibility for a change in foreign policy under a Biden administration. Read Kinzer’s August 7 Boston Globe column, “On the ballot: An end to forever wars“.
We’ll enjoy music by Zama, and auction off cool stuff like peace movement memorabilia and autographed copies of books on peace issues.
We will present Peacebuilder Awards to individuals and organizations whose leadership and determination has made a difference to the movement for peace and justice, in the past year and over the long run. This year’s awardees are:
Senator Ed Markey
State Rep. Denise Provost
State Rep. Jon Hecht
Mahtowin Munro, United American Indians of New England (UAINE)
Kevin Peterson, The New Democracy Coalition
Vaughn Goodwin, 1199SEIU and the Massachusetts Poor People’s Campaign
Gladys Vega, Chelsea Collaborative
As we work to increase the pro-peace contingent in Congress and the State House, Massachusetts Peace Action has been more active in political campaigns this year. Funds raised will support Massachusetts Peace Action and may be used for political purposes. (Or, you can make a tax-deductible donation to the Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund.)
Reserve tickets below! $50 for an individual Peace Voter, $85 for a Peace Voter couple, $10 for Peace Voter students and low income. 10% discount if ordered before September 19.
Sponsor as a Peace Voter Humanitarian ($250), Ambassador ($500), Advocate ($1,000), Ambassador ($2,500) or Peacemaker ($5,000), also with 10% discount available if ordered before September 19.
You can also send a check payable to Massachusetts Peace Action, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Write “Power to the Peaceful” on the memo line. Or, call 617-354-2169 and leave a message, or send us an email at info@masspeaceaction.org, to give us a credit card number over the phone. Sign up below! When you register, we’ll send you the Zoom codes to join the event.
Find out more »