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4:00 pm
Justice for Breonna Taylor
"Say her name She was sleeping No justice No Peace Breonna Taylor I’m so sorry dear. Her name was used in songs, people made merch off of her, people brought her up in conversation to seem woke and all of that for reputation. People profited off of a black woman’s death and suffering. We are […]
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Healing Art of Music with Secretary William J. Perry
Susan Alexander and Sidney Alexander, MD
Ronald A. Arky, MD
Edward Campion, MD
MA Senator Joanne M. Comerford
Governor Michael and Kitty Dukakis
Lachlan Forrow, MD
Ira Helfand, MD
Howard H. Hiatt, MD
C. Robert Horsburgh, Jr., MD and Brita E. Lundberg, MD
MA Representative Patrick J. Kearney
Jonathan King, PhD
Robert Jay Lifton, MD
U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey
Savina J. Martin, MS
James Muller, MD
Jean F. and David G. Nathan, MD
Sheila Nutt, EdD and Mekonnen Meshesha, PhD
MA Senator Patrick M. O’Connor
Dr. John O. and Marilyn A. Pastore
MA Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley
MA Representative Lindsay Sabadosa
Elaine Scarry, PhD
Max Tegmark, PhD
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren
Symphony — $10,000
Ira Helfand, MD and Deborah Smith, MD
Concerto — $5,000
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Sonata — $2,500
Harvard Medical School
Drs. Carl and Susan Racine
The Wales Family
Prelude — $1,000
First Republic Bank
Philip J. Landrigan, MD and Mary Landrigan
Sustainability Group at Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge
Dr. Cornelia van der Ziel and Dr. Kenneth Kleene
Minuet – $500
Richard Clapp and Paula Georges
Sarabande – $250
Susan Alexander and Sidney Alexander, MD — James and Susan Snider — Rebeca and Dr. Ashar Kinchi
Chaconne – $100
Joan and Peter Baker —Toby and Bert Davidson — Susan Wood
Passacaglia – $50
Karen Anderson, Lumina Greenway
Order The Button here
William J. Perry served as Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering in the Carter administration and then as Secretary of Defense in the Clinton administration. He oversaw the development of the strategic nuclear systems that are currently in our arsenal. His new offset strategy ushered in the age of stealth, smart weapons, GPS, and technologies that changed the face of modern warfare. In 2007, Dr. Perry joined forces with George Shultz, Sam Nunn, and Henry Kissinger to publish several ground-breaking editorials in the Wall Street Journal that linked the vision of a world free from nuclear weapons with urgent but practical steps that could be taken to reduce nuclear dangers. Perry’s 2015 memoir, My Journey at the Nuclear Brink, is a personal account of his lifelong effort to reduce nuclear dangers. He founded the William J. Perry Project to educate the public on these dangers. In 2020 Perry co-authored THE BUTTON: The New Nuclear Arms Race and Presidential Power from Truman to Trump. He is the Michael and Barbara Berberian Professor (emeritus) at Stanford University. Perry is the father of five, grandfather of eight, and great-grandfather of four. He continues to travel the world in pursuit of his goal of reducing the threat from nuclear weapons.