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7:00 pm
Invest in our Recovery
inequalities, we need a government response that rises to the needs of our communities, which are greater than ever. It’s clear what the choice is: we can let deep budget cuts drive us deeper into a recession that deepens racial and economic inequities, or we can invest in public services that improve public health, grow our economy, and reduce racial inequality.
Large corporations and their wealthy shareholders have used loopholes, tax breaks, and weak corporate disclosure laws to avoid paying their fair share of taxes for years. It’s time they pay their fair share and invest in our recovery. This workshop will equip and empower advocates to speak on progressive revenue and its crucial role in our recovery, advocate to legislators, and learn how we can achieve an economy that works for all of us – one that will improve our public health, invest in our communities, grow our economy, and reduce racial inequality.
James Wu and Enid Eckstein of RaiseUp Massachusetts will explain RaiseUp’s program for COVID relief in Massachusetts, Invest in our Recovery, which is now before the state legislature.
Sponsored by the Fund Healthcare, Not Warfare campaign and RaiseUp Massachusetts.
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