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Week of Action for housing stability Stop mass evictions & foreclosures in MA!
Take action to stop mass evictions and foreclosures in Massachusetts. Join the push for the Housing Stability Act, and help organize to resist displacement. Join an event that's already organized or plan something in your own area. Please see this document for examples of actions, printable flyers and signs, etc: http://bit.ly/hfamawa2020
Find out more »2:00 pm
RALLY: STOP Evictions & Foreclosures, ALTO Desalojos + Embargos de Casa
*español abajo*
Community Crisis. STOP 100,000 EVICTIONS
Stand Up – Fight Back. PASS H.5018
We invite all tenants and homeowners to come to a rally on Sunday, Oct. 11 at 2pm by the fountain at Park street to stand in solidarity with your neighbors. Mass evictions would be a public health crisis, a housing crisis, an economic crisis, a racial justice crisis, a crisis for all our communities.
Renters and small owners have been protected against eviction and foreclosure since April, as a
result of the Massachusetts Moratorium legislation. That protection runs out Oct. 17. Research suggests
that well over 100,000 households could face eviction or foreclosure after Oct. 17.
The good news is that there is a proposed law designed to replace the moratorium called the
Guarantee Housing Stability Act (H.5018). On Oct. 1 it was voted favorably out of the Statehouse
Housing Committee by a 14-2 margin. We need this bill to pass the full House and Senate. It includes
protections for tenants and small owners and landlords.
CRISIS de la comunidad. DETENER 100.000 DESALOJOS
Levántate y Lucha!! APRUEBE LEY h.5018
Invitamos a todos los inquilinos y propietarios a venir a un mitin el domingo 11 de octubre a las 2pm junto a la fuente de la calle Park para solidarizarse con sus vecinos. Los desalojos masivos serían una crisis de salud pública, una crisis de vivienda, una crisis económica, una crisis de justicia racial, una crisis para todas nuestras comunidades.
Los inquilinos y pequeños propietarios han sido protegidos contra el desalojo y la ejecución de la hipoteca desde abril, como un resultado de la legislación de la Moratoria de Massachusetts. Esa protección se acaba el 17 de octubre. La investigación sugiere que más de 100.000 hogares podrían ser desalojados o embargados después del 17 de octubre.
La buena noticia es que hay una propuesta de ley diseñada para reemplazar la moratoria llamada
Ley de garantía de la estabilidad de la vivienda (h.5018). El 1 de octubre fue votado favorablemente para salir del Comité de Vivienda (de la casa estatal) por un margen de 14-2. Necesitamos que este proyecto de ley sea aprobado por el pleno de la Cámara y el Senado. Incluye protecciones para los inquilinos y pequeños propietarios y arrendadores.
7:00 pm
ORMA Virtual Leadership Summit
We are writing to invite you to the ORMA Virtual Leadership Summit to be held on Sunday, October 11, 7:00-8:00 pm. (Zoom link with meeting reminder will be provided closer to the Summit). The focus of this Summit meeting will be on Ranked Choice Voting and the campaign to pass Question 2, the Ranked Choice […]
Find out more »Ihssane Leckey and Jesse Mermell on Ranked Choice Voting
The focus of this Summit meeting will be on Ranked Choice Voting and the campaign to pass Question 2, the Ranked Choice Voting ballot initiative in MA. Two progressive candidates for Congress in CD4, Jesse Mermell who came in second by only about a thousand votes and Ihssane Leckey, our endorsed candidate, whose votes combined with Jesse’s would have demolished the rest of the field, will each be speaking. How sad for Congressional District 4 that we do not have Ranked Choice Voting, yet. We are glad to see, however, that Sen. Elizabeth Warren has come out strongly in favor of RCV.
We will also spend time at the Summit focusing on the national elections and what we in ORMA can do to support and elect progressives and anti-fascists.
Meanwhile, we wish to call members’ attention to the ORMA website Voting Reform page and the work of our allies. “How Does RCV Work?” If passed, Question 2 would implement Ranked Choice Voting for primary and general elections for all federal and state elections in Massachusetts, including for members of Congress, the Governor’s race, county offices like district attorney and sheriff, and all state legislative races. It would not however apply to the national presidential election, nor to municipal elections.
We are grateful for whatever you are doing between now and November 3.
If you would like to donate to Our Revolution MA, please click here: Donate.
And don’t forget to mark the Summit on your calendar! Sunday, October 11, 7:00 pm.
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