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12:00 pm
Western MA Counter Protest Against White Supremacy
Join us to counter-protest the white supremacist pro Trump, pro cop rally happening in Amherst center on Indigenous People's Day. We are holding space to oppose the anti-Black, anti-trans, anti-immigrant, anti-woman violence these groups endorse.
We will be near Route 9 in the Amherst Commons.
We demand justice for all which means Indigenous soverignity, Black liberation, and abolition of prisons, the police, and global racial capitalism.
We will be wearing masks and social distancing. Bring signs and come with friends, we will be making sure to leave in pairs and see that everyone is getting to their next destination ok.
WARNING: MANY PRO TRUMP PROTESTORS ARE ANTI-MASK AND UNMASKED. Please be prepared to safely navigate this whether through social distancing, wearing extra protective gear, staying in your car, or by other means.
4:00 pm
Authoritarianism Study Meeting
A meeting of MAPA’s Authoritarianism Study/Action group to discuss two readings:
Pamela Karlan, “Will He Go?: Trump and the Looming Election Meltdown in 2020“, NY Review of Books, 10/8/20
Barton Gellman, “The Election That Could Break America“, Atlantic , Nov 2020 issue
Click on the article title to download a copy.
Register to attend. New members are welcome.
Find out more »6:00 pm
Black Parent Book Club
Join us for a 3-part series to engage with practices from P4L: Book. Each week, we will focus on practices from each section of the book.
Oct 12: Reconnection to Self
Oct 19: Reconnection to Child
Oct 26: Reconnection to Community
6:30 pm
Pioneer Valley Project Racial Justice Book Group
We invite you to join this multi-racial and anti-racist space to learn and share with other members of our community. The group will gather on Zoom for six sessions, all on Mondays. Oct. 12th and 26th, Nov. 9th and 23rd, and Dec. 7th and 14th from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. We ask that participants purchase […]
Find out more »7:00 pm
Corruption and Homophobia in the Democratic Party: Discussing Alex Morse
Alex Morse, while challenging one the most powerful and corporate Democrats in the US, faced accusations that he was a sexual predator who took advantage of vulnerable college students. Thanks to investigative reporting, the accusations against Alex Morse have been discredited as bad faith smears. Join us to discuss what happened!
Investigative reporting from Eoin Higgins, Ryan Grim, and others, showed that these bad faith smears had connections with the highest levels of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, as well as local and state media. Join us to learn about how the Democratic Party weaponized homophobic smears!
How involved was the Democratic Party? Why did they weaponize homophobic smears against a gay candidate? Was the national and local media complicit in reporting unverified accusations and potentially ruining an innocent life? Did they correct their reporting when new information came out? Why were prominent leftist groups and individuals so susceptible to believing bad faith smears? Were the homophobic smears effective? What does this mean for progressives in politics going forward? Join us as we explore these questions and more with Eoin Higgins!
Find out more »What is Abolition?: Principles of Police and Prison Abolition Teach In & Cross-Community Brainstorm
**register for free, and a Zoom link will be emailed to you the day of the event!**
Join us for an introduction to police & prison—all experience levels welcome.
In this collaborative workshop, we will be reflecting on the conditions that create public safety in our communities as we work to envision a future without state-sponsored violence. We will ground ourselves in an understanding of what abolition is, specifically in our modern context, why it is necessary, and its importance in and across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as we seek to improve this place we call home.
We will not only be learning about abolitionist philosophy, but also applying the theory to our different contexts in break-out rooms with folks from around Massachusetts to build inter-regional relationships.
This will be the first in a series of Massachusetts-wide events linking defund & abolitionist organizers across the Commonwealth.
NEXT UP: October 26th @ 7pm — panel on the current state of police & prison abolition, with speakers from around the Commonwealth
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