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12:00 pm
Social Justice and Local Civic Engagement: How to Effect Change
Join us for a free, online, educational forum about navigating local government and politics.
We will be hosting a panel of scholars, legal experts, and public officials who will be presenting on their knowledge and answering your questions about navigating our political system.
Space in the forum is limited, but the event will stream live.
The event schedule is as follows:
12:00-12:10 Welcome
12:10-12:45 WEB DuBois presentation
12:45-1:20 Rahsaan Hall
1:20-1:45 Tahirah Amatul-Wadud
1:45-2:05 Lindsey Rothschild
2:05-2:25 Questions and open discussion with all panelists
2:25-2:30 Closing remarks
Please stay tuned for bios about each of our panelists.
This event will take place on zoom.
If you would like to support this event and future events like these please donate to AKINE via Cashapp: $AKINE2020
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Anti-Racism for Activists
Why are so many activist spaces so white? What do activists need to know about racism? How does racism impact you and/or your organization? What does it mean to be an ally? To be woke? How do blame, shame and guilt get in the way of transformation? Come explore these questions with other activists in this interactive workshop, and come away with concrete ideas about ways to make your life more racially inclusive.
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