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12:00 pm
The Bang and the Bucks: Post-9/11 Military Spending and the Shortchanging of Other Urgent Needs
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20: Heidi Peltier, Ph. D, Director, 20 Years of War Project, Boston University
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Second in a semester-long series on Global Peace and Insecurity. Organized and moderated by
Subrata Ghoshroy, Research Affiliate, STS
The world is facing an unprecedented crises on several fronts. Lack of leadership by the United States has intensified many flash points around the world including nuclear threats and the abandonment of arms control negotiations, bio-safety, climate change, food insecurity, instability and tensions in the East, and increased pressure from nationalists and extremists at home and abroad. This Tuesday seminar series will capture a subset of these critical issues facing humanity and the planet.
All programs will require pre-registration. For a FULL SCHEDULE, please go to the Radius website listing.
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Interfaith Opportunities Network Racial Justice Vigil
Interfaith Opportunities Network Racial Justice Vigil Every Tuesday 5-5:30pm Intersection of Main St. & S. Pleasant St. Amherst
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