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12:00 pm
Armed Conflict, Resistance and Resilience of Indigenous Women in Manipur, Northeast India: Webinar with Binalakshmi “Bina” Nepram
October 21, 2020 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm Zoom Webinar Binalakshmi Nepram (Bina) is a Resistance Studies Fellow born in Manipur Nation currently located in India's Northeast region next to Myanmar. Bina is an indigenous author and civil rights activist spearheading work on making women-led peace, security and disarmament meaningful. She is author of five books, […]
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Israeli Annexation: Geopolitical Implications and the Future of Palestine
Israeli Annexation: Geopolitical Implications and the Future of Palestine
Date: Wednesday, October, 21, 6:45 PM to 9:00 PM
For Zoom Link: click here
Please join us at the October Monthly Meeting of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment for a very special program “Israeli Annexation – Geopolitical Implications and the Future of Palestine“. We are very excited to have as our guests Phyllis Bennis, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, one of the founders of U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, board member of Jewish Voice for Peace and author of Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Primer – and Leila Farsakh, Associate professor and chair of the Political Science Department at the UMass Boston, Senior research fellow at the Center for Development Studies at Birzeit University, West Bank and author of Palestinian Labor Migration to Israel: Labor, Land and Occupation. The government of Israel threatened to formally annex parts of the West Bank in July 2020, while they have been carrying out de facto annexation for years, since 1967 – by confiscating land, building the wall within the Green line, demolishing homes and expelling Palestinians. July 1 came and went without annexation – and then we learned in Sept. that the UAE, and subsequently Bahrain, agreed to normalize relations with Israel, in return for which (or so it seems) “formal” annexation has been delayed. Our speakers will present the geopolitical context in which all this is happening and what annexation actually means for Palestinians in the occupied territories and within Israel proper (within the Green line). Jeff Klein, Coordinator of Mass Peace Action’s Israel/Palestine Committee, will close the program by presenting action items that the participants can take to address the issue of annexation and occupation.
Co-sponsors: Mass. Peace Action, The Community Church of Boston, Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East – MA Chapter, Jewish Voice for Peace Boston
7:00 pm
Black Feminism & Abolition
Join us for a Zoom conversation with Black Feminist abolitionists. This event is co-organized by CBD and the Women's Center.
Mariame Kaba, Rachel Caidor, Deana Lewis, and Beth Richie will discuss how they have been central to the organizing and building of abolition in Chicago and surrounding cities.
We'll reflect on how we got here, and what's needed to continue building an abolitionist future.
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