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10:00 am
Leading for Change: Essential Concepts in Community Organizing
We will dive into the intersection of race, power and values in this moment. We will explore the importance of building relationships, understanding self-interest and building teams in order to create concrete systemic change. To register, go to https://forms.gle/C2vgKgfM5Z51M4Z97.
Find out more »Black Lives Matter Weekly Vigil
Every Saturday from 10-11 a.m. on the Greenfield Common, at least through December. According to a member of RJR’s coordinating committee, “Back in the last week of May 2020 when George Floyd was killed, Racial Justice Rising vigiled 5 times. It was clear that this was not going to be pushed under the rug and […]
Find out more »Center Church of South Hadley: Vigil for Racial Justice
Please join us, Saturday's 10-10:30 AM, for our weekly vigil for racial justice. We will continue our Saturday vigils for the foreseeable.
Find out more »1:00 pm
FREE ON-LINE PROGRAMS: When We Can Breathe Again…..
Racial Justice Rising & Musica Franklin present the voices of children describing how they are surviving during the pandemic. Children from Gloria Matlock’s Twice as Smart program have made two 30 minute videos during the pandemic. The most recent, made in September about Covid. After viewing the videos, the children will talk about how things […]
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