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8:00 pm
A Virtual Panel Discussion Featuring: Amber Coleman-Mortley, Sonia Mathew, and Dr. Shawn Healy to discuss this important topic with parents.
About this Event
What does it mean to be anti-racist? How do you raise a socially conscious kid? These experts will discuss how parents can better prepare children to tackle issues of racism, equity and social justice. They will discuss how parents can go on their own anti-racism journey. We will learn what steps families can take to build stronger communities through anti-racist work.
Our speakers this evenings are experts in this field
Amber Coleman-Mortley - the Director of Social Engagement at iCivics where she recruits teacher influencers. She holds a B.A. in African American Studies from Oberlin College and an M.A. from American University in Media Enterpreneurship. Amber covers civics, K12 education, edtech and family life at Mom of All Capes and on her podcast with her daughters, LetsK12Better. She has been featured in the LA Times, NY Times, and the Washington Post.
Sonia Mathew has a seasoned career that has spanned the philanthropic, education & nonprofit sectors. Her passion and experiences in leadership development, youth cvic learning, and engagement, and racial equity have cultivated her skills with coaching, strategic planning, program management, and facilitation. She completed her BA in Political Sceince at University of Michigan and her MA through the Social and Cultureal Foundations in Education program at DePaul University where her research was focused on the civic engagement of South Asian youth.
Sean Healy, PhD, leads the Robert R. McCormick Foundation Democracy Program, which fosters the civic development of the next generation of individuals, communities and governmental systems in Illinois. Dr. Healy also serves as an adjunct professor in Public Adminstration at the University of Illinois at Chicago as well as commissioner on the Serve Illinois Commission. Before joining the McCormick Foundation, he served as a social studies teacher at West Chicago Community High School and Sheboygan North High School.
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