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9:00 am
Celebrate Nuclear Ban Treaty’s Entry Into Force
On January 22, 2021 the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) enters into force making nuclear weapons and everything to do with them illegal for the first 50+ nations that have now ratified it, and sets the stage for eventual adherence to the treaty by all nations. In the words of its many proponents, it […]
Find out more »Pittsfield: A visit to General Dynamics
General Dynamics makes launch mechanisms for nuclear missiles. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons makes that -- and everything to do with nuclear weapons -- ILLEGAL in its first 50 ratifying countries as of 1/22/21.
To save jobs and to save humanity, we urge GD and all nuclear weapons companies to convert their resources from weapons of mass extinction to green technologies and other pressing human needs.
ALL ARE WELCOME. Wear white coveralls if you have them. We will provide Treaty booklets and handouts for General Dynamics staff. We will bring signs, banners, etc. Feel free to bring your own signs too, and your organization's banner.
Questions? info@NuclearBan.US
12:00 pm
Cambridge vigil to proclaim the Nuclear Ban Treaty
The world has spoken! The UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons enters into force on Jan 22. Join events in Massachusetts and around the world to celebrate this auspicious day that marks a new chapter in the movement to abolish nuclear weapons.
Meet us at noon, Jan 22 in Cambridge at the Fresh Pond Whole Foods (200 ALewife Brook Pkwy).
We now gather and stand up to call upon the US to join the Nuclear Ban Treaty. Come join us.
Weather permitting, including extreme cold. Masks and social distancing required. Some signs available.
Find out more »4:00 pm
Newton Peace vigil to proclaim: Nuclear Weapons are Illegal
On 1/22 the Treaty on The Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will come into force. We now gather and stand up to call upon the US to join the Nuclear Ban Treaty. Come join us.
Weather permitting, including extreme cold. Masks and social distancing required. Some signs available.
The event was mistakenly posted on Jan 22, but the correct date is Jan 25.
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