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International Day of Action on Yemen
Since 2015, the Saudi-led bombing and blockade of Yemen have killed tens of thousands of people and devastated the country. The U.N. calls this the largest humanitarian crisis on Earth. Half the country’s people are on the brink of famine, the country has the world’s worst cholera outbreak in modern history, and now Yemen has one of the very worst COVID death rates in the world: It kills 1 in 4 people who test positive. The pandemic, along with withdrawal of aid, is pushing more people into acute hunger.
And yet Saudi Arabia is escalating its war and tightening its blockade.
The war is only possible because Western countries — and the United States and Britain in particular — continue to arm Saudi Arabia and provide military, political and logistical support for the war. The Western powers are active participants and have the power to stop the world’s most acute human crisis.
The disaster in Yemen is man-made. It is caused by the war and blockade. It can be ended.
People and organizations from the U.S., Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, India, Spain, Bangladesh, Poland, and across the world, are coming together to call for an end to the war in Yemen and solidarity with the people of Yemen. We demand that right now our governments:
Stop foreign aggression on Yemen.
Stop weapons and war support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Lift the blockade on Yemen and open all land and sea ports.
Restore and expand humanitarian aid for the people of Yemen.
We call on people around the world to protest the war on January 25, 2021, just days after the U.S. presidential inauguration and the day before Saudi Arabia’s ‘Davos in the Desert’ Future Investment Initiative.
We ask individuals and organizations everywhere to call for protests — with masks and other safety precautions — in their towns and cities on that day and make clear that the WORLD SAYS NO TO WAR ON YEMEN.
Please add the name of your organization by clicking here. Add your name to the list!
1. Stop the War Coalition (UK)
2. Action Corps (US)
3. Yemeni Alliance Committee (US)
4. Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation (US)
6. Just Foreign Policy (US)
7. Peace Action (US)
8. Voices for Creative Nonviolence (UK and US)
9. Freedom Forward (US)
10. Massachusetts Peace Action (US)
11. Peace Action New York State (US)
12. London Students for Yemen (UK)
13. Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK
14. Nonviolence International (Global)
15. Mobilization Against War and Occupation (Canada)
16. Rete No War Roma (Italy)
17. The Lady Fatemah Charitable Trust (UK)
18. Union of Arab American Women (US)
19. RootsAction.org (US)
20. Labour Against the Arms Trade (Canada)
21. Yemeni Community in Canada
22. Iraqi Democrats (UK)
23. Raytheon Anti-War Campaign, Mass. (US)
24. World BEYOND War
25. Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)
26. Western New York Peace Center (US)
27. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
28. White Rabbit Grove RDNA (US)
29. New Jersey Peace Action (US)
30. Students for Yemen (US)
31. Islamophobia Studies Center (US)
32. Arabian Rights Watch Association (US)
33. Veterans For Peace – Santa Fe Chapter (US)
34. Baltimore, MD Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter Veterans For Peace (US)
35. Veterans For Peace – NYC Chapter 34 (US)
36. Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (US)
37. Granny Peace Brigade (US)
38. Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
39. NYC Metro Raging Grannies (US)
40. The New York Catholic Worker (US)
41. United National Antiwar Coalition (US)
42. Pax Christi USA
43. Maine WTR Resource Center (US)
44. Banyan Tree (India)
45. No to War – No to NATO (International)
46. Dwight Hall Peace Initiative (US)
47. Demilitarise Education Ltd. (UK)
48. Stop the WAR in Yemen (Germany)
49. Veterans For Peace (US)
50. Insan for Human Rights and Peace (Germany)
51. Grup Antimilitarista Tortuga (Spain)
52. Pax Christi Whatcom (US)
53. Pax Christi Illinois (US)
54. St. Camillus/Pax Christi Los Angeles (US)
55. Pax Christi Lansing (US)
56. Pax Christi Dallas (US)
57. Holy Spirit Catholic Community (US)
58. Pax Christi Little Rock (US)
59. Marymount-Pax Christi (US)
60. American Friends Service Committee (US)
61. Pax Christi El Paso (US)
62. Colectivo Noviolencia (Spain)
63. Human Rights for Yemen Charity (UK: England & Wales)
64. Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (Spain)
65. Catholics for Peace and Justice (US)
66. Peace Action of WI (US)
67. Laughton Greenwood (UK)
68. Rodmell Food Forest (UK)
69. Center for International Policy
70. Pax Christi Northern CA (US)
71. Albert and Amelia Ferst Interfaith Center (US)
72. Canadian Defenders For Human Rights
73. United for Peace and Justice (US)
74. The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society (US)
75. Social and Cultural Association of Polish Palestinians (Poland)
76. University Network for Human Rights (US)
77. New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies (US)
78. Peace by Peace (US)
79. La France insoumise (France)
80. Ain Sohaota Kendra Foundation (Bangladesh)
81. Just Peace Advocates (Canada)
82. Peace in Kurdistan (UK)
83. Movimiento por un mundo sin guerras y sin violencia (Chile)
84. Veterans For Peace Chapter 61-St Louis MO (US)
85. NW/1400/5 Branch Unite the Union (UK)
86. East Lancashire CND (UK)
87. Nasmo Foundation for Rights & Freedom Supporting the Social Peace (Yemen)
88. Entesaf for Woman and Child Rights (Yemen)
89. CAPA DePaul (US)
90. Collectif Échec à la guerre (Canada)
91. Tower Hamlets CND (UK)
92. Amnesty Thetford (UK)
93. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Cymru (UK)
94. London Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)
95. Midland PeaceWorks (Canada)
96. Cymdeithas y Cymod, the Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales
97. Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
98. Vancouver Peace Poppies (Canada)
99. Aktion Aufschrei – Stoppt den Waffenhandel! (Germany)
100. Peace & Neutrality Alliance Ireland
101. Human Rights Sentinel (Ireland)
102. War Resisters League (US)
103. Canadian Peace Congress
104. Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb e.V. (Germany)
105. Migrant Solidarity Network (Switzerland)
106. The Nuclear Resister (US)
107. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US
108. Canadian BDS Coalition
109. Forum Peace Ethics within the Evangelical Church of Baden, Germany
110. Chicago Area Peace Action (US)
111. Chicago Committee Against War and Racism (US)
112. Black Lives Matter (UK)
113. Pax Christi Western Massachusetts (US)
114. Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (US)
115. Science for Peace Canada
116. Disarm Oxford (UK)
117. Bund fuer Soziale Verteidigung (Federation for Social Defence) (Germany)
118. Kooperation für den Frieden / Cooperation for Peace (Germany)
119. Revolutionary United Front (US)
120. East lancashire CND (UK)
121. Centre for the Study of Gender, Culture and Social Processes (India)
122. UK Democratic Socialists of America
123. Nación Andaluza (Spain)
124. Health Alliance International (US)
125. North Country Peace Group, Setauket, NY (US)
126. Peace Pledge Union (UK)
Please add the name of your organization by clicking here.
Find out more »Climate Action Now Monthly Gathering
Climate Action Now is a people powered, grassroots Western Mass organization dedicated to building a powerful, unstoppable climate movement. We work in our communities and in collaboration with diverse partners across the region to educate, advocate, and mobilize for climate justice. Climate Action Now is affiliated with 350.org. Check out our website and join us at our monthly […]
Find out more »12:00 pm
Boston Says No to War on Yemen
We will meet on the Boston Common at 12PM on January 25th as part of the global day of action against the war in Yemen. After a socially-distanced and masked rally at the Common, we’ll march as a group to several nearby locations of organizations, foreign governments, and companies involved in the war in Yemen. Come out and join in to show that Boston says no to the war in Yemen!
Since 2015, the Saudi-led bombing and blockade of Yemen have killed tens of thousands of people and devastated the country. The U.N. calls this the largest humanitarian crisis on Earth. Half the country’s people are on the brink of famine, the country has the world’s worst cholera outbreak in modern history, and now Yemen has one of the very worst COVID death rates in the world: It kills 1 in 4 people who test positive. The pandemic, along with withdrawal of aid, is pushing more people into acute hunger.
And yet Saudi Arabia is escalating its war and tightening its blockade.
The war is only possible because Western countries — and the United States and Britain in particular — continue to arm Saudi Arabia and provide military, political and logistical support for the war. The Western powers are active participants and have the power to stop the world’s most acute human crisis.
The disaster in Yemen is man-made. It is caused by the war and blockade. It can be ended.
People and organizations from the US, UK, Yemen, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and across the world, are coming together on January 25th to call for an end to the war in Yemen and solidarity with the people of Yemen.
We demand that right now the the U.S. government:
–> Stop foreign aggression on Yemen.
–> Stop weapons and war support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
–> Lift the blockade on Yemen and open all land and sea ports.
–> Restore and expand humanitarian aid for the people of Yemen.
–> Repeal the 2001 Authorization of Military Force, under which the US has been bombing Yemen for 18 years.
The rally will be socially-distanced and masks are required. It most likely will be very cold, so dress warmly!
Find out more »6:30 pm
Tell Holyoke City Council: People over profit at Baystate!
On January 25th, the Development & Governmental Relations Committee of the Holyoke City Council will vote on a resolution that demands Baystate Health:
- keep mental health beds in Greenfield, Westfield, and Palmer open, and
- must provide equal care opportunities for all mental health patients at their new for-profit facility and should not turn away patients with more complex needs and/or with financial challenges, and
- respects frontline workers by providing quality working conditions, wages, benefits, and the ability to unionize to incoming staff at their new for-profit mental health center in Holyoke.
Join us in emailing the members of the committee to ask that they vote in favor of bringing this resolution to the whole Holyoke City Council for a full vote (email addresses below), because we need MORE beds and LOCAL beds to ensure equal access to quality care and we must respect frontline workers putting their lives on the line during a global pandemic.
You can also attend the committee meeting here: https://zoom.us/j/82613970812, Passcode: 894276 or by call in at 1 (929)205-6099 with the meeting ID: 826 1397 0812 and passcode: 894276
(More information on the planned for-profit mental health center here: https://www.gazettenet.com/Holyoke-City-Council-approves...)
David K. Bartley, Chair: bartleyforward3@gmail.com
Gladys Lebron-Martinez: councilorglebron.martinez@gmail.com
Howard Greaney Jr.: 413-534-5749
Michael J. Sullivan: mike.sully53@yahoo.com
Peter R. Tallman: ptallman1957@comcast.net
7:00 pm
Symposium on Overcoming the Climate Crisis: What Needs to be Done
Symposium on Overcoming the Climate Crisis
What Needs To Be Done to Avert Climate Catastrophe
Speaker: Prof Danny Harvey, Climate Scientist, U of T
Allie Rougeot (Toronto Fridays for Future)
Sara Beiruti (SfP Student Campus Group President
Moderator: Richard Sandbrook, Professor Emeritus, Univ of Toronto.
What do we have to do, and when, to avoid catastrophic global warming?
Climate scientist Danny Harvey provides the answer. A dynamic U of T Professor of Geography, he has written two textbooks on climate science, three books on solutions, over a hundred scientific papers relating to the climate problem and has co-authored reports for the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Commentaries will be provided by two panelists to articulate the viewpoints of young people facing the climate crisis. Allie Rougeot is from the Toronto chapter of Fridays for Future, an organization of students that mobilizes hundreds of thousands of people worldwide in global protests of climate inaction. Sara Beiruti created a vibrant student Science for Peace campus group. Richard Sandbrook, U of T political scientist and president of SfP, is the moderator.
Don’t miss this engaging and unconventional webinar.
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