Social Justice Calendar of Western Massachusetts

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Events for April 12, 2021

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Silent Auction for Peace and Justice

April 11 - April 23

About Our Auction
The Resistance Center needs your help! For a small nonprofit, this year hasn't been easy. As The Resistance Center moved to remote organizing, grappling with the uncertainty of the pandemic and its socioeconomic effects, we realized that the only way to keep up with our vital work is by growing - which we can only do with YOUR support. We are raising funds to hire a full-time organizer, continue our youth internship program, anti-war organizing, host informative webinars, and expand our programmatic work. Browse our lots and bid on your favorites in the name of growing peacework throughout the Valley and beyond!

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7:00 pm

Is Russia truly our enemy?

April 12 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Is Russia truly our enemy? Should we risk nuclear war? Bruce Gagnon has been to Russia and Ukraine several times in the last couple of years including leading a delegation of 25 on a study tour of Russia in 2019. The purpose of the tour was to listen, learn, and stand against the constant demonization […]

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