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Silent Auction for Peace and Justice
About Our Auction
The Resistance Center needs your help! For a small nonprofit, this year hasn't been easy. As The Resistance Center moved to remote organizing, grappling with the uncertainty of the pandemic and its socioeconomic effects, we realized that the only way to keep up with our vital work is by growing - which we can only do with YOUR support. We are raising funds to hire a full-time organizer, continue our youth internship program, anti-war organizing, host informative webinars, and expand our programmatic work. Browse our lots and bid on your favorites in the name of growing peacework throughout the Valley and beyond!
CRJ Virtual Launch Week
A Turn-up; A Testimony; A Launch to Remember
Youth, educators, communities, scholars, activists, JOIN US for our launch event:
Black at the Center. Because anti-Blackness lives at the core of racial injustice
11:00 am
2021 Earth Day Festival
A greening celebration for Springfield in the Mason Square neighborhood. Come celebrate Earth Day with your friends, neighbors, family and ReGreen Springfield. Come learn about exciting projects taking place in Springfield's neighborhoods making our city greener, healthier and more sustainable. This event will be outdoors and following all CDC & MA DPH Covid-19 protocols. (Event picture was taken pre Covid-19)
Find out more »1:00 pm
Making social justice into an educational and ecological issue
Professor Joris Vlieghe will be the next speaker in the CERES (Centre for Educational Research) online seminar series at Liverpool John Moores University on the topic of: "Making social justice into an educational and ecological issue: Some reflections on living well together with Arendt and Latour"
This event is aimed at academics, researchers, teachers, students, practitioners and members of the general public who are interested in the future of education.
The room link and password will be sent by email to registered participants three hours prior to the start of the event. All registered participants will be held in a waiting room prior to being admitted by the host. Please use your full name when entering the video conference room and your university/work email address when registering for the event where possible.
Title: Making social justice into an educational and ecological issue: Some reflections on living well together with Arendt and Latour
Joris Vlieghe is an assistant professor of philosophy and theory of education at KU Leuven (Belgium). With Naomi Hodgson and Piotr Zamojski, he recently published a Manifesto for a Post-critical Pedagogy (Punctum Books, 2018). He is also interested in the impact of digital technologies on education, and more specifically in how fundamental notions such as schooling, attention, community, transformation, literacy and creativity change when a culture of the screen is (rapidly) substituted for a culture of the book.
For more information on CERES seminars please follow us at @ljmu_ceres on Twitter or join our mailing list.
This event is organised by the Centre for Educational Research (CERES) in the School of Education at Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.
Find out more »Making social justice into an educational and ecological issue
Professor Joris Vlieghe will be the next speaker in the CERES (Centre for Educational Research) online seminar series at Liverpool John Moores University on the topic of: "Making social justice into an educational and ecological issue: Some reflections on living well together with Arendt and Latour"
This event is aimed at academics, researchers, teachers, students, practitioners and members of the general public who are interested in the future of education.
The room link and password will be sent by email to registered participants three hours prior to the start of the event. All registered participants will be held in a waiting room prior to being admitted by the host. Please use your full name when entering the video conference room and your university/work email address when registering for the event where possible.
Title: Making social justice into an educational and ecological issue: Some reflections on living well together with Arendt and Latour
Joris Vlieghe is an assistant professor of philosophy and theory of education at KU Leuven (Belgium). With Naomi Hodgson and Piotr Zamojski, he recently published a Manifesto for a Post-critical Pedagogy (Punctum Books, 2018). He is also interested in the impact of digital technologies on education, and more specifically in how fundamental notions such as schooling, attention, community, transformation, literacy and creativity change when a culture of the screen is (rapidly) substituted for a culture of the book.
For more information on CERES seminars please follow us at @ljmu_ceres on Twitter or join our mailing list.
This event is organised by the Centre for Educational Research (CERES) in the School of Education at Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.
Find out more »7:00 pm
An Empire of Sanctions: a new Syllabus on a tool of Oppression
Sanctions are now the preferred economic weapon that the United States uses to pressure, discipline and coerce enemies and even allies. Sanctions restrict targeted states from importing, exporting and receiving investments; they prohibit US corporations and banks from dealing with those countries, and they limit the economic activities of individuals in sanctioned countries. Renate Bridenthal, Molly […]
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