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10:00 am
Local Peace Activists call for Tax Day Awareness on May 8 and 15
Town Common Vigils and leafleting on effects of military budget planned “The biggest tax day elephant in the room resides in the five-sided military mansion, the Pentagon, with its criminally large budget — nearly a trillion dollars each year siphoned from our tax dollars.” – Pat Hynes With the new deadline for filing federal taxes now May 17, area peace activists will focus on where the public’s money goes during two upcoming Saturdays in May. The Tax […]
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Study/Action Group: Authoritarianism and Right-wing Nationalism
An armed insurrection in Washington on January 6 threatened our democracy, with open encouragement from Donald Trump. While Trump was defeated in November due to his bungling of the COVID pandemic and his general incompetence, he assaulted the rule of law, whipping up his reactionary, racist base with ever more explicit threats and falsehoods. Trump […]
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Gifts from the Black Madonna in the Time of Covid & BLM
Internationally renowned singer, percussionist, teacher author ALESSANDRA BELLONI
Proudly announces a special online presentation by bestselling author Rev. Dr. MATTHEW FOX:
We invite you to join Alessandra Belloni with best selling author Matthew Fox for this special presentation, talk about the true healing powers of the Black Madonna and why she is relevant today.
Rev. Fox is the foremost proponent of creation spirituality (based on mystical teachings of Hildegard von Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Saint Thomas, Julian of Norwich, among others). In his book on the Sacred Masculine, The Hidden Spirituality of Men: Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred Masculine, Fox offers a challenging chapter on the "sacred marriage" of the Black Madonna and the Green Man.
He is author of 38 books on spirituality and culture translated into 78 languages.
The presentation will also feature Alessandra Belloni and John La Barbera offering sacred chants & music in Honor of the Black Madonna from Belloni’s book "HEALING JOURNEYS WITH THE BLACK MADONNA”
Published by Inner Traditions - Bear & Company presently No. 1 on Amazon in the category of Folk dances- with Foreword by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox.
We will begin with a sacred chant to the Black Madonna and continue with Dr. Rev Matthew Fox extraordinary talk and presentation, and end with more sacred music and ritual drumming for the Black Madonna from Southern Italy and around the world. We will
end with Q & A with Dr. Matthew Fox.
Please email ABelloni@aol.com for registration or alessandrabelloni@gmail.com
The length of the presentation is 90 minutes
Registration is: $ 40 https://www.everbutton.com/pay/7602
Also accepted VENMO @ Alessandra-Belloni or ZELLE
You will receive a zoom link after you register, please register in advance ans specify your payment is fo this event .
Alessandra Belloni is proud to feature Dr. Matthew Fox's foreword in her book "HEALING JOURNEYS WITH THE BLACK MADONNA", (complete with a music CD) The book opens a portal into the sacred sites of the mysterious Black Madonna, in Italy and around the world. It is rated 5 stars and is best seller on Amazon under dance .
"It takes a certain fierceness to face climate change, the extinction of countless species, the disappearance of rain forests and trees and soil and animals in our times. There is, as the Sufi mystic Hafiz put it, a “fierce battle” going on, and people need to be awakened and aroused. This is one reason the Black Madonna is returning in our time—to wake us up from our anthropocentric (Pope Francis calls it our “narcissistic”) slumber. This is one reason why the African goddess Isis was often pictured wearing a headdress with rattles—to wake people up and to rattle our institutions, to awaken us from slumber.
Another reason the archetype of the Black Madonna is reaching out to us today is that more people are recognizing that black lives matter and women’s lives matter and gay and transgender lives matter. It is time to challenge the oppression of people of color, of women, of gays and lesbians, and of transgender people the world over. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, and indigenous peoples everywhere are being called to stand up to the racism, sexism, and homophobia that have ruled for so many centuries. The Black Madonna leads the way, for she is the Universal Mother, fully accepting of the immense and praiseworthy diversity of our species in all its marvelous wonderfulness.
The Black Madonna is a symbol of the return of the Divine Feminine that is so needed to inspire and empower girls and women and men also. People of all colors and backgrounds are invited to this dance of humanity in all its diversity.
Alessandra Belloni will talk about her book & opera "The Voyage of the Black Madonna" written in 1991 together with John La Barbera. The music features healing chants, ritual drumming and ceremonies in honor of the Black Madonna from Southern Italy, France, Spain, and Brazil.
LINKS from Alessandra Bellonis book launch HEALING JOURNEYS WITH THE BLACK MADONNA at the Cathedral of St John the Divine March 19 2019
Chant to the Black Madonna of Seminara Calabria 'VIGNUTO I LUNGA VIA"
Vignuto I lunga via https://youtu.be/GwpyXTZWPWY
EVVIVA MARIA https://youtu.be/bVXG9W_M1gY