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12:00 pm
CoMMonS book talk by Donatella della Porta, author of How Social Movements Can Save Democracy: Democratic Innovations from Below
· Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Professor of Sociology, New York University
· Laura Gorriahn, Researcher, ERC Project Protest and Order. Contentious Politics, Democratic Theory and the Changing Shape of Western Democracy, Freie Universität Berlin
Nicole Doerr, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Director of CoMMonS
Alice Mattoni, Associate Professor of Sociology, Bologna University, Department of Political and Social Sciences
The Zoom links for the upcoming book talks will be released in due time. Other book talks will be taking place in Spring and Fall 2021. Visit the CoMMonS website and Facebook page for updates.
The CoMMonS Book Talks Series presents groundbreaking books published on social movements, collective actions, and critical thinking about contentious politics. During book talks, authors will engage into a conversation with a small panel of discussants, including academics, activists, and practitioners working in the civil society sector.
The CoMMonS Book Talks Series aims at supporting the creation of constructive debates on the most urgent social, political, and economic problems of our times. It is developing a shared knowledge on how people respond to ongoing dynamics of change, from the grassroots, across the world.
The CoMMonS Book Talks Series is a collaborative transnational endeavor jointly organized by the Copenhagen Centre for Political Mobilisation and Social Movement Studies, in Denmark, and the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna, in Italy. Each book talk lasts about 1 hour and it is online, free, and open to everyone.
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Perspectives from Havana: The Next Generation — David Faya & Isabel Rodriguez (Week 5 of 6)
Perspectives from Havana in a Year of Covid and Embargo – A Series of Weekly Conversations What has Cuba been like in the past year? What is like now? What have been the major challenges and achievements? Like the rest of the world, Havana and Cuba have just completed the first full year of Covid 19. It […]
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