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7:00 pm
Justice for All: Transforming Massachusetts’ Unjust Legal System
Justice for All
Call2Action, along with over thirty Democratic committees across Massachusetts, invite you to join a virtual forum this April 27th on the future of our criminal justice system and opportunities to enact positive change at the local and state level.
We’ll hear from Andrea James, founder of Families for Justice as Healing and the National Council For Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls; Rahsaan Hall, Director of the Racial Justice Program for the ACLU of Massachusetts; Shaleen Title, an Indian-American attorney and longtime drug policy activist who currently serves as Distinguished Cannabis Policy Practitioner in Residence at the Ohio State University College of Law Drug Enforcement and Policy Center, and vice-chair of the Cannabis Regulators of Color Coalition; and Sana Fadel, Deputy Director of Citizens for Juvenile Justice and lead organizer of the statewide Massachusetts Juvenile Justice Reform Coalition. Helina Fontes, community organizer and Program Director of the Northeast Recovery Learning Community, will moderate. Representative Ayanna Pressley will offer introductory remarks.
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“WE DEMAND Equal justice under the law for all, and an end to discrimination; Safe and crime-free communities along with comprehensive criminal justice reform to improve public safety and protect civil rights”
With Donald Trump in the rearview mirror and a post-COVID life on the horizon, the future is ours to build. It’s time for the Democratic Party of Massachusetts to take the hard-won lessons of the last year and fight with renewed energy to enact the better world imagined in our platform.
We hope you’ll join us for our second event at 7:00pm on Tuesday, April 27th! Please share this invitation with your fellow committee members and Democratic community. Our first forum in February drew nearly 300 attendees, and we’re excited to once again come together with our fellow Democrats from across the Bay State to work side by side to enshrine our shared values into law.
Let’s be a driving force in shaping what our new normal will look like.
Please register at bit.ly/justice4mass, and we look forward to seeing you on the 27th!
Andrea James J.D. is the Founder and Executive Director of the National Council For Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, Founder of Families for Justice as Healing, author of Upper Bunkies Unite: And Other Thoughts on the Politics of Mass Incarceration, a 2015 Soros Justice Fellow, and recipient of the 2016 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights award. As a former criminal defense attorney and a formerly incarcerated women Andrea shares her personal and professional experiences to raise awareness of the affect of incarceration of women on themselves, their children and communities. Her work is focused on ending incarceration of women and girls as we know it today, and contributing to the shift to a justice system led by community solutions.
Rahsaan Hall is the Director of the Racial Justice Program for the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts. In this role Rahsaan helps develop the ACLU of Massachusetts’ integrated advocacy approach to address racial justice issues. Through legislative advocacy, litigation and community engagement, the program works on issues that deeply impact communities of color and historically disenfranchised communities. Rahsaan also manages the ACLU of Massachusetts’ What a Difference a DA Makes campaign to educate state residents about the power and influence of district attorneys.
Sana Fadel serves as Deputy Director and is primarily responsible for CfJJ’s legislative advocacy and is the lead organizer of the statewide Massachusetts Juvenile Justice Reform Coalition. Prior to joining CfJJ, Sana was the Director of Public Policy at Rosie’s Place, a sanctuary for poor and homeless women in Boston where she led campaigns on access to substance abuse treatment, strengthening families involved with the child welfare system, and improving services for customers applying for and receiving public benefits.
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