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Environmental Expo 2021
Neighbor to Neighbor, Springfield, in partnership with the Humanities Action Lab, created the Environmental Expo to spotlight the fight against environmental injustice in Springfield as part of Climates of Inequality, an internationally-traveling exhibit. Through a month-long series of interactive workshops and the accompanying website, The Environmental Expo aims to develop the leadership of community members to lead the decision making about what happens in their community. Communities bearing the biggest burden of pollution are resilient and ready to take action. Join community members and leaders to learn, engage, and take charge of our future!
The Environmental Expo will run for 4 weeks from May 17 to June 15. Learn more about the Expo workshops and sign up here.
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Sanctions: Modern-day Siege Warfare
In a recent article, Peter Beinart writes:
For decades, the United States has supplemented its missile strikes and Special Operations raids with a less visible instrument of coercion and death. America blockades weaker adversaries, choking off their trade with the outside world. It’s the modern equivalent of surrounding a city and trying to starve it into submission. Wonks call this weapon “secondary sanctions.” The more accurate term would be “siege.”
Join us on June 2nd, at 7pm to discuss the US use of sanctions on adversary nations. The US claims to be using sanctions on nations that violate human rights. However, this is claim is hypocritical as the US is strong allies with consistent human rights violators such as Saudi Arabia and Israel. US sanctions harm innocent people and disproportionately harm marginalized communities such as the poor, the sick, the elderly, women, and children. US sanctions sadistically prevent countries from importing medicine (during a global pandemic), food, and much more.
Peter Beinhart is Editor-at-Large for Jewish Currents. He is also professor of journalism and political science at the Newmark School of Journalism at the City University of New York.
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