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Latino Challenges Toward Racial Equity Workshops
Latinx Challenges Toward Racial Justices
By popular demand, UROC of Western MA is excited to offer an ONLINE version of Latinx Challenges Toward Racial Justice, an in depth workshop for Latinx people, for people who live in or work
with Latinx communities, and who seek to end racial disparities in our institutions and end racism in our society.
Date: Saturday & Sunday June 5-6 , 2021 9am-5pm Cost: $350
Among the topics addressed:Race, Ethnicity, Nationality & the Layered Complexity of Latino IdentityForces that Hinder Well-Being & Community Development (buen vivir)Spain’s Casta System & the Construction of Race
Throughout LatinoaméricaRace, Class & Empire: US’s “Manifest Destiny” and Beyond its BordersColorism, Anti-Blackness & Pro-White Bias and the Psycho-Cultural Impact of RacismThe Census as Social Engineering through Race Policy & the Future of LatinosLa cultura cura: The Healing Power of Culture and Community¡Pa’lante, unidos! Organizing Together Toward Cross-Racial Solidarity
MORE INFO: urocofspringfield@gmail.com
Rosa Matta - 413-222-8793
Ruthie Killough-Hill - 413-210-4795
Link to register
2:00 pm
Forum: Fund HealthCare not Warfare – Pressing Needs for the Public’s Health and Pandemic Protection
The healthcare, public health and pandemic prevention sectors remain very diverse, often somewhat siloed. Hospital physicians, hospital staffs, hospital nurses; nursing home staffs; local public health authorities; biomedical researchers; biotech staffs; personal care attendants; patients in the different facilities; diverse communities suffering higher levels of infection.
Their political goals are often diverse; thus, the struggle for Medicare for All doesn’t directly address nursing concerns for staffing limits; the effort to get Chelsea residents vaccinated doesn’t deal with their inability to access healthcare if they do get sick.
It seems clear that strengthening the state and the nation’s Public Health Infrastructure would lift most boats.
Bringing some of these advocates together doesn’t solve the problems, but could help in mapping out some of the coming struggles, both in the State Legislature, City Councils, and even Congress:
The Forum below is an effort to find common ground among diverse constituencies advocating improved and expanded public health and healthcare, financed in part by cutting the bloated Pentagon budget.:
Forum Program:
2pm – 5 pm:
Opening: Heidi Hoechst – National Nurses United Officer (invited)
Panel 1: Large Scale Concerns (Chair: Louise Parker)
Single Payer /Medicare for All initiative – Michael Lighty (The Sanders Institute) (invited)
Single Payer /Medicare for All initiatives – Dr. Alan Meyers.
National public health needs – Elizabeth Sommers (BU, APHA)
Biomedical research/vaccines: Prof. Jonathan King (MIT)
Video: Ed Markey talking about ICBM (Invest in Care Before Missiles) bill (invited)
Panel 2: Issues Breaking in Massachusetts: Chair, Catherine DeLorey.;
Mass Public Health Assn Priorities: MPHA Speaker (invited)
Practicing Medicine and Public Health: Dr. Deepa Soni
Mass Nurses Assn Priorities – Katie Murphy, Pres
Special needs in Communities of Color- Dr. Vonzella Bryant (Invited)
Panel 3: Fund Health Care Not Warfare: Coming State and Federal Legislative Battles: Chair: Amar Ahmad
MassCARE Campaigns – Sandy Eaton.
State Legislative Budgets – Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa
Continuing Vaccine access – Natalia Linos,
Physicians for Social Responsibility – Martin Fleck
Free The Vaccine activist group speaker (invited)
Program Committee: Amar Ahmad, Catherine DeLorey, Sandy Eaton, Jonathan King, Allen Meyers, Louise Parker.
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