Massachusetts Peace Action 2021 Annual Membership Meeting
April 24 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Massachusetts Peace Action 2021 Annual Membership Meeting
Saturday, April 24th, 2021 ~ 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Keynote Speaker: Jim McGovern, Congressman from the Massachusetts 2nd and Rules Committee Chairman
Special Message: Nina Turner, Candidate for Congress from Ohio’s 11th District and former Ohio State Senator
2020 was a tough year in many ways, but despite everything that was thrown at us Massachusetts Peace Action continued to grow and thrive. That’s thanks to our tireless volunteers, activists, interns, staff, and especially our members. We believe in democracy, for this country and for this organization. Come to the Mass. Peace Action annual meeting to make your voice heard, reflect upon the achievements of the past year, and help set the agenda moving forward!
Join us as we build the movement to crush militarism and turn the U.S. towards peace and justice. At Massachusetts Peace Action’s 2021 annual meeting, we will present the organization’s program plan for members’ approval, hear from our keynote speakers, discuss in small breakout groups how to take action, elect board members, and hear a financial report.
This is a meeting for official, dues paying members of Massachusetts Peace Action.
Standard Membership dues are just 40 dollars a year and we also offer prices for Students/Low income at 10 dollars.
Keynote Speaker
Jim McGovern is one of Massachusetts Peace Action’s strongest allies in the US Congress. He has represented most of Central Massachusetts, including his hometown of Worcester, since 1997.
Jim is the Chairman of the powerful House Rules Committee. He serves as the Chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, and is the Democratic Co-Chair of the bipartisan Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission – both of which monitor, investigate and advocate on behalf of international human rights, the rule of law, and good governance. He is also a senior member of the House Committee on Agriculture’s Subcommittee on Nutrition and Oversight, and ending hunger at home and abroad is one of Jim’s passions.
While working for Congressman Joe Moakley in the 1980s, Jim was asked to help lead the investigation of the murders of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in El Salvador following public outrage in Congress. He exposed that the murders were committed by the U.S. – backed Salvadoran military, leading to a major shift in U.S. foreign policy that made future military aid contingent on improved human rights and a negotiated peace in El Salvador.
He has also introduced and championed resolutions to end violence against children globally; prohibit arms sales and security assistance to Saudi Arabia; reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons; and end restrictions on American’s right to travel to Cuba.
Special Message from:
Nina Turner is running for Congress in Ohio’s 11th district and has been enthusiastically endorsed by Peace Action. Nina is poised to become a leader on a host of progressive issues including peace. Listen to this:
“‘We can’t afford it,’ is a popular refrain among politicians on both sides of the aisle–whether it’s Covid relief, healthcare as a human right, a livable minimum wage, tackling climate change and climate injustice, investing in BIPOC communities to begin addressing generations of systemic racism and inequality or a myriad of other issues. The reality is we can afford it; but to do so, we must make humanity and not the military-industrial complex our priority.”
The eldest daughter of a nurse’s aide and a truck driver, Nina grew up working-class in Cleveland, Ohio and has been an advocate for working families her entire life. Turner made history in 2005 as the first African American woman to represent ward one on the Cleveland City Council, and again in 2008 as the first woman to serve as a state senator in Ohio’s 25th District.
Turner rose to national prominence as a surrogate for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign and national co-chair for Bernie 2020. In those roles, she traveled coast to coast, building support for progressive values such as a $15 living wage, free education from kindergarten through college and health care as a human right in the form of Medicare for All. Nina has also served as the president of the national grassroots political organization “Our Revolution.”
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