It has been a long road to passing the Safe City Ordinance in Greenfield. The campaign began in July of 2019, when The Resistance Center for Peace & Justice collaborated with the Greenfield City Council to introduce the ordinance and get it favorably out of committee. Having heard overwhelming support from constituents, the City Council passed the Safe City ordinance in a 10-3 vote on July 17th. However, a few days after the vote, Precinct 1 City Councilor Verne Sund (who had voted in favor of the ordinance) submitted a motion for reconsideration of the vote. The following month, a small group of Greenfield residents opposed to the ordinance gathered enough signatures on a referendum petition to get the issue onto the ballot on November 5. With support from the Safe City campaign––which involved collaboration between The Resistance Center, the ACLU Massachusetts Immigrant Protection Project, and Greenfield community members––the Greenfield City Council voted to uphold the July vote in favor of the ordinance on Aug. 21. Then, on Sept. 3, Mayor William Martin vetoed the Safe City ordinance, claiming that Greenfield is already safe without the ordinance because of his Executive Order. The Resistance Center, in partnership with Greenfield community members, organized a sign making party and held a rally to encourage the City Council to override the mayor’s veto. On Oct. 1, the City Council voted yet again to protect the Safe City Ordinance and override the veto. Further In October, the Safe City campaign launched the Yes On 2 ballot initiative to get the ordinance passed once and for all on election day. The Yes On 2 campaign organized a nonviolent rally against Sheriff Hodgeson, an anti-immigrant extremist who was invited to speak on the ordinance. We then mailed thousands of residents in Greenfield, earned an endorsement from The Greenfield Recorder, distributed lawn signs to supporters, organized two phone banks, and held signs on election day. On November 5th, The Resistance Center and our Safe City partners won our first full-city campaign with Question 2 having 56 percent of the vote!