Northampton receives National Recognition for its Leadership on Nuclear Weapons Abolition

Mayor David Narkewicz announced to the City Council last night that Northampton has taken all the steps it can to align itself with the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It is now the first city in the country to become “Treaty Aligned” after starting the process from scratch.

This is an incredibly exciting announcement that follows through on Northampton’s September 2018 commitment to cut ties with the nuclear weapons industry. City officials have been working extensively to divest funds held in nuclear weapons companies while pushing forward a Home Rule Petition. The petition would allow Northampton to exclude nuclear weapons companies from competing for future city contracts.

Northampton has played an important leadership role on the nuclear weapons issue since the City Council first passed the “Back from the Brink” resolution in November 2017. Since then, more than 30 cities across the country have passed similar resolutions, along with more than 60 faith communities and dozens of other organizations and individuals.

Seven nearby towns have also now taken steps to align themselves with the treaty following resolutions passed at town meetings in Conway, Shutesbury, Belchertown, Chesterfield, Colrain, Leverett and Montague. Local citizens are now working with mayors and city councils in Holyoke, Easthampton, and Greenfield with similar initiatives.

The mayor received a Certificate of Treaty Alignment on behalf of the city.